Zeitschrift für maritime und limnische Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte
hrsg. v. Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie (DEGUWA)
15. Jahrgang, 2015, Heft 1 ISSN 1436-3372
108 Seiten, zahlr. Abb.
Garry Momber - Sara Rich, Postglacial human dispersal across the north-west European landscape
Laura Sanna, Submerged Landscapes in the Marine Cave of Bergeggi
Alexander Fantalkin - Oren Tal, When the River Meets the Sea
Marta Bajtler, Underwater finds from Risan in Montenegro
M.P. Jézégou - P. A. Goodfellow - J. Letuppe - C. Sanchez, Underwater Construction and Maintenance
Shelley Wachsmann, "Rafts by sea to Jaffa" (2 Chronicles 2, 16)
Massimo Capulli, Arcaeological Landscape of teh Venice Lagoon
Ana Crespo Solana, Wood Resource, Shipbuilding and Social Environment
Koldo Trápaga Monchet - António Santos, Forestry and timber supply in the royal forests of the Iberian Peninsula through the 16th century
Vesna Zmaic Kralj, Craft products of Nuremberg from the Mijoka shipwreck (Croatia)
Vladimir Romanovich Chepelev, Zwei Zaren-Boote auf den Ladoga Kanälen
Nili Liphschitz, Common Ash as hull construction timber for shipwrecks an ships in Central and East Mediterranean
Nili Liphschitz, Oriental Beech as hull construction timber for shipwrecks and ships