Hrsg. v. Stiftung für ein Schweizerisches Orient-Museum
Höhenflug oder Absturz
Wilhelm Dieudonné Stieler (1888-1912).
Ägyptenreisender, Sammler und Luftfahrtpionier.
Ausstellungskatalog (2006)
ISBN 978-3-033-00784-0
Wilhelm Dieudonné Stieler was an exceptional person in many ways . His short life and his tragic death are even after 100 years still able to arouse interest . Its adolescence and his career up to officer, pilot and balloonist are well documented and are presented in the first part of the book.
One of the great experiences of his life was a trip to Egypt 1908/1912, from which he brought with him many Egyptian originals that are published in this volume for the first time.