Werner Veit
Kendermund ... ond andere Überraschonge.
Gedichte eines Schwaben
ISBN 978-3-86372-031-5
58 S.
With CD - read by the author !
"Hend ihr koi Spuelmaschee?"
"Ha noi, zu was au", sait des Kend
"mir brauchet koi Maschee,
wo mir doch onser Oma hend,
di spuelt no emmer schee!"
In German / Suevian language!
Childrens sayings - who doesn't know these sentences of our children, often involuntarily comical, sometimes embarrassing and often even full of wisdom. The author took his childrens sayings and put them into humorus and reflective verses.
On the included CD the author - trained singer and reciter - reads his verses.
Read and heard an enjoyment for everybody!